Lower Your Risks by Updating Shop Equipment!

As the owner of an auto body and repair shop, you understand the importance of maintaining a safe work environment, keeping up with industry-specific rules and regulations and updating your auto repair shop insurance. It is these three things that will allow you to run a smooth and secure operation.

Speaking of safety and security, when is the last time you updated the equipment in your auto body shop? Garage shop owners and employees who continue to use old equipment and methods may find that the chance of an injury or accident is much greater than those with new and improved tools. Why?

• New and improved equipment may have better safety features, ultimately lowering the risk of accidents and claims.

• Older equipment has a greater chance of malfunctioning than new equipment.

• Chances are, new equipment will be much more efficient and can possibly save you time and money.

• Using the newest tools will look professional and may bring more business to your shop.

These days, many auto body shops are taking a “greener” approach. Besides benefiting the environment, such an initiative will be healthier for your employees, too. New equipment can reduce toxic emissions produced in your shop. Once you replace old equipment, you may find that employees are suffering less and in turn, be able to keep workers compensation claims to a minimum. In the end, this will ensure that your premium remains low!

For more information on reducing risks in your auto body shop, contact our agency. We would be more than happy to share our knowledge in this unique field. We would also be glad to provide you with a free auto repair shop insurance quote!
