FAQ: What Chemicals are Covered in the Right to Know Law?

Last week, we went over the basics of the Massachusetts Right to Know Law. To reiterate, this law requires that information on chemical hazards are given to employees (access to MSDSs, labeled containers, training, safety procedures, etc.) As the owner of an auto body and repair shop, this law is an important law to be familiar with!

This week, we would like to educate you on the chemicals that are covered in the RTK Law. Many employers will ask, “what chemicals are covered?” To this, we answer…

According to Mass.gov, “all chemicals in which contain 1% or more (2% if an impurity) of one or more ingredients listed on the Mass Substance List are covered by the Right to Know Law. In order to determine this, it is necessary to request an MSDS from the manufacturer and compare the ingredients to the list.”

In Massachusetts, we have an easier and less time consuming way to figure this out. It is safe to assume that all chemicals which have an MSDS listing any type of hazard are covered by the Right to Know Law. This policy may ensure more protection in the long run, as well.

If you still have questions or concerns about this topic, you should not hesitate to reach out to DSL’s Massachusetts Workplace Safety and Health Program by calling 617-969-7177. Also, do not hesitate to reach out to our agency.

At Wolpert Insurance, we are well-versed on the laws, rules and regulations that surround the garage and auto body shop industry. Whether you are interested in learning more about this topic or about garage insurance, we are here with the answers. Be sure to visit our blog again next week. We will be discussing the labeling requirements under the Massachusetts Right to Know Law!
